Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dear God

Dear God,

So you finally decided to come out of the closet and make yourself known. Welcome to the planet Earth. For some years now, I professed my view on God as atheist. I have no problem with stating that I was wrong, I have always been receptive to being approached with real evidence of your existence. There was none, until now.

Now that you decided to show up, what it is you want from us? Apparently the whole world had you figured wrong. Billions gave you veneration for thousands of years using the writings of other men that had faith in their concept of you. So many people with so many versions of what you represented. Yet what you are showing us now is nothing no person expected.

However exciting your existence is to many, I find it disturbing. Humans have been the masters of their own destinies since the beginning. The wonderful thing about us is that as a species we have evolved the capacity to look ahead and make this world as wonderful as it can be for us. The existence of malice and harm to others was just the actions of self-centered men. It all made sense that way. But now that you are here, you have been added to that equation. That makes you part of the problem.

God you have the power to kick start the Universe and yet you sat back and offer no real direction. The positive advances of man have come from the effort of the humans on this planet. You have contributed nothing. That doesn't mean that we are not without flaws. For example some of the most vile atrocities have been done in the name of God. And in all this time you have offered no assistance. You have allowed man to manipulate man using “God” as their leverage. What kind of sick demented all knowing all powerful God would allow these things to happen when he/she has the capacity to stop it?

Your existence is confirmation that you are an asshole and you really don’t give two shits about what you started. Even if I do think this about you, I do appreciate the opportunity to enjoy the life I have. I can respect you for making life possible; however I don’t have to love someone who shows no love for his/her family. You abandoned your children long ago.

If you want worship you are not getting it from me. Respect my following request: Stay out of my life as you always have. I don’t want anything from you. No heaven, no hell, just what I have now. This life and the ability I have to make the best of it. I want what the serpent offered Eve in that interesting fairy tale a man once wrote; the ability to be like a God and take your life into whatever direction you want it to go. There is nothing like it.

Ruben Ortiz

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